We are in a digital world

Internet Of Things

Connected devices, also referred to as the Internet of Things, is the ability of one device to “talk” to another device without needing human interaction. Using a combination of sensors and connectivity technology such as Bluetooth, WiFi, cellular networks and others, information regarding people and processes is shared and updated.

Combined with other capabilities such as data storage, analytics, visualization tools and security, connected devices are impacting the way all industries, governments and consumers interact with the physical world.

Smart Manufacturing

Implementing IoT, the manufacturers are striving to improve their business operations by building a connection between the factory and workers, further digitizing operations to cut downtime & result in better productivity


IoT enhances the operations and helps in building a seamless and secure connectivity between the entire chain of patients, doctors, and related processes. Making up for the goal of better healthcare delivered.


Experience IoT benefits in the retailing industry! With the unlimited opportunities that help to enhance supply chain loop and build better customer experience.


Informative IoT solutions provide infinite access to the various available resources across the globe, helping the students in smart learning and the teachers in a versatile research.


Smart financial services resolve traditional banking holdbacks and ensure real-time visibility with the delivery of better customer experiences to the on-demand services.

We are in a digital world

How Can Tedlite Help?

We can:

  • Identify use cases and processes right for IoT capabilities
  • Develop proof of concept to illustrate value of new use cases
  • Implement IoT and develop custom cloud-based solutions that integrate with IoT devices
  • Assess and ensure the security of your existing IoT devices, applications and architecture
  • Develop an IoT asset lifecycle management programme including standard development, device testing, asset management, monitoring, device management and resiliency planning
  • Develop an IoT device risk and control management programme – Leverage IoT data through data analytics to improve efficiency, create additional revenue opportunities, and generate savings

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Perhaps some FAQs

What Is The Internet Of Things?

The Internet of Things is an interconnectivity odd smart devices that can collect, share, and transmit data over a given network. It’s a network of all devices connected to the internet.

Devices connected to the internet of things are no longer limited to the workplaces. They’re increasing found in homes, cities, schools, and a variety of industries. These devices simply connect the physical to the digital.

The internet of things devices can be classified into three.

  • Things that can collect data and relay it
  • Things that receive data and take action
  • Things that do both

The devices in the three categories operate symbiotically, and they rely on each other.

How IoT works

An IoT ecosystem is made up of web say decides that use processors, sensors and communication hardware to send, receive and act on the data they derive from different IoT environments.

IoT devices rely on an IoT gateway to share the data they collect. The info is sent to the Cloud to be analysed, or it can be done locally. These devices can receive information from related devices and act on the data they get from one another.

They operate without intervention from humans. However, people can interact with the devices when mounting instructing or retrieving data from them.

Why IoT Is Important

The internet of things empowers people to work and operate smartly. In the business arena, IoT allows businesses to get insights that enable them to revolutionize systems, improve machine performance, and improve supply and logistics.

With IoT, companies can automate their processes and reduce operational costs. IoT insights enable businesses to reduce wastage, drive service delivery, and cut down operational overheads. IoT can inject transparency in customer handling and service delivery.

Indeed, IoT is not backing down any time soon. As businesses realize the potential of device interconnectivity and data relay, IOT’ prevalence will have achieved a global acknowledgment and unusual proportion.